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Bible Class 9:30 am
Worship 10:45 am
Prayer Meeting 8:15pm


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We bid you a warm welcome to our website.

At this time, we believe a short note of introduction is most appropriate. To begin with, why is the church named “Berith Bible-Presbyterian Church”? Is there some significance to the name? Why prefix the word “Bible” before “Presbyterian”? The word “Berith” is Hebrew for “Covenant.” Thus, our name “Berith” signifies that our church believes in, what is known in the theological world as, “Covenant Theology.”

The word “Bible-Presbyterian” (B-P, in short) indicates that we belong to the denomination known commonly in Singapore by that name.

Berith Bible-Presbyterian Church holds on to the “Reformed” faith as set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith. We also take a stand on the firm foundation of God’s Holy Word which is the very basis of our faith and practice. We believe the “Bible” is the perfect, inerrant, plenary, verbally inspired and preserved Word of God.

We are worshipping at 420 North Bridge Road, #05-04 North Bridge Centre Singapore 188727 (premises of Graduates’ Christian Fellowship).  Our Worship Service starts at 10.45 am on Sunday.  Our Sunday School for children runs concurrently with the worship service. In addition, we have Sunday Youth Bible Class as well as Adult Bible Class.  Both classes begin at 9.30 am before the worship service.  This is to cater to the needs of our young people and adults who desire to strengthen their faith through the systematic study of Holy Scriptures.

Besides our Sunday Worship Service, Sunday School and Bible Classes, we have what we consider the most important meeting of the week – the Prayer Meeting at 8.15 pm on Tuesday.  That is when we gather to pray and intercede for one another in the communion of saints as well as for the work and ministry of the church.

Hence, we are not only Presbyterian in terms of our church governance and practices but our emphasis is on the very foundation of our faith, the “Bible” which we believe as the perfect, inerrant, plenary verbally inspired and preserved Word of God.


For more of what we believe and hold close to our heart, check out our statement of faith in this website.


Sincerely in Christ,

Wee Eng Moh
