“The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways” (Proverbs 14: 14a)
The Bible is replete with warnings against backsliding. This is because backsliders are not always conscious of its presence in their lives. On the other hand, there are some who are aware of their backslidden state, but outwardly, they look spiritually well. Such tend to hide behind a mask of deep piety and spiritual zeal. For this reason, it is not always easy to identify a backslider. Like others, he takes his seat in the church pews each Sunday. He may even serve as a church leader or a Sunday School teacher.
o What is “backsliding”?
The word “backsliding” and its derivatives come from three Hebrew root words:
1. mešûbā(h) – indicates defection, betrayal, waywardness, apostasy (Jer 3: 6, 8, 11-12, 14, 22; 8: 5; 31: 22; 49: 4; Hos 11: 7; 14: 4);
2. sārar – portrays defiance, stubbornness and rebellion (Hos 4: 16);
3. sûg – depicts a turning back to one’s old ways (Prov 14: 14)
In the Old Testament, the word “backsliding” “is used of “Israel forsaking Yahweh, with a reference to the covenant relation between Yahweh and the nation, conceived as a marriage tie which Israel had violated. …Yahweh was Israel’s Husband (Isa 54: 5; Jer 31: 32; Hos 2: 19), and by her idolatries with other gods she had proved unfaithful (Jer 3: 8,14; 14: 7; Hos 14: 4)” (International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia).
Backsliding is a turning away from God and a returning to the ways of sin. The heart grows cold towards the Lord and passion for the things of God wanes. In backsliding, a Christian withdraws from the state of total surrender to God and returns to indulging his own appetites and desires. A lukewarm heart has replaced the initial zeal for God.
o Causes of backsliding
Backsliding usually starts with a divided heart. Long before a Christian shows any symptoms of backsliding like absence from church meetings or losing his zeal for the Lord’s work, there is an inward lapse in the heart. It occurs when one begins to entertain thoughts and desires that are contrary to God’s will. The backslider begins to feel comfortable with sin and neglects his spiritual duties.
Spiritual declension starts when one’s focus is directed away from God to himself and his own needs: “The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways” (Prov 14: 14a). “Filled” means “satisfied with.” Such a one is satisfied with himself.
“The backslider in heart” is therefore one who “strays away” from God in his heart. Wilful and defiant, the backslider justifies or excuses his sinful actions. Because he is so full of himself, he is blind to the danger of his own backslidden state.
“This would probably explain why great men like Abraham, Lot, David and Peter suddenly found themselves in wretched sins. How much more then, lesser men like you and me! Let us pray, ‘O Lord, deliver us from the evil of our self-willed hearts.’” (Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy – Bible Witness: September- October 2008).
Other secondary causes of backsliding include a failure to abide in Christ (Jn 15: 4-8), compromises with sin, entanglement with the world (II Tim 4: 10), covetousness (I Tim 6: 10) and a careless attitude towards the things of God (Prov 24: 30-33).
(… to be continued)
– Pastor